Creative Retreats: Inspire Your Creativity and Nourish Your Inner Artist
You may ask, why do creatives and artists need a retreat? If you're an artist, you probably spend a lot of time juggling various...

White Noise: An encounter, a glimpse of something undefined. A moment captured in my mind
These Paintings are inspired by my travels this fall from Paris , France to San Miguel De Allende, Mexico. The vibrant colors of Mexico...

Monday Mantra
Monday Mantra/ Affirmation January 31, 2022 Join me every Monday as I share a new Affirmation. This is a way to set the tone for the rest...

Creative Retreats: Unlock Inspiration & Express Yourself (And Why You Need One!)
Maybe you have fallen into a boring or repetitive routine? Is your inspiration fleeting and distraction keeping you from being creative?...

Want To Meet After Dark For a Game of Flashlight Tag? Play Shouldn't End at Childhood, Here's Why...
When was the last time you had Fun & PLAYED? You are an adult, you have responsibilities, work, bills, kids,....? You may feel playing is...

La Dolce Far Niente: The Sweetness of Doing Nothing
Life does not have to be FULL to Be fulfilling. After the year of 2020, I am having a difficult time with reentry. Everything is opening...

OH NO! A Creative Block
As an artists, I am always ready to be inspired. BUT what if you are hit with a Creative Block? Finding My Way Back: January was a doozy....

Summer Solstice
A few of my favorite things... Sun Surf Summer Long days Warm nights I am sitting here enjoying some quiet time looking my studio window...

Artist in Paradise
My first blog post! When thinking about what to write I took a look up from my computer and looked out the window and realized "I am...